Beginning Monday, May 13, 2024, all three floors of the library’s westside, including access to the Main, Music and Federal Government Documents collections, will be closed the entire summer 2024. The library’s westside will undergo a significant HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system maintenance project to enhance the overall infrastructure of the library.

During this closure, all physical materials, including the Federal Government Documents Collection, MUST BE requested online for retrieval and pick up. Visit the FAQ at for directions on requesting materials from the closed section. Hold requests are available for pick up Monday through Friday. If you require physical access to a Federal Depository you may visit one of the following depositories locally:

Dallas Baptist University (0594A)
Dallas Public Library System (0594)
Southern Methodist University (0600)
University of North Texas (0608A)
University of Texas at Arlington (0607B)
University of Texas, Dallas (0594B)

If you require Government Document research assistance you may contact our Federal Depository Coordinator, Beth Callahan, at 817/257-7669 or The library’s eastside will remain open for our regular hours of operation throughout the project and services and resources are still available. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Virtual Shelf Browser

Using the Virtual Browser

Below is a list of the Departments and Agencies featured in our collection. The letter(s) at the beginning of the SuDoc number indicate which Department/Agency produced a grouping of documents.

If you click on a particular letter you’ll then be shown a list of all the documents created by that Department or Agency by topic.

Once you’ve chosen a specific topic of interest click on the SuDoc stem. You’ll be taken to the TCU catalog where it will list all the documents we have in our collection with that SuDoc stem.

For more detailed information on the SuDoc classification system go to the Core Documents research guide.


Federal Radio Commission (1927-1934)

RC 1.1: Annual Report
RC 1.2: General Publications
Beth Callahan
Beth Callahan
Senior Library Specialist
Phone: 817.257.7669
This Month in
Government Information
Cover of document

Wrongful Convictions: The Literature, the Issues, and the Unheard Voices

The strength of our criminal justice system depends on its accuracy — its ability to convict those who have committed crimes and to clear those who are innocent. We have been refining our justice system for more than 200 years, and we continue to have dedicated public servants who help keep us safe, bring justice and a senseof closure to victims, and defend the rights of individuals accused of crimes...